Animal Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR

Animal Removal Services of Advanced Recovery Corporation (ARC) settled animal and human conflicts through humane animal removal and bird control. We offer an Animal Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR, to businesses and homes to remove minute creatures and provide treatments for bugs, spiders, rats, and bees. Learn more about Advanced Recovery Corporation, a family-owned, full-service company providing service to Willamette Valley Oregon.

Animal Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR

Professional Animal Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR

We not only remove the carcass but can take care of the harm caused by the carcass and the smell associated with the animal (alive or dead) and prevent the problem from returning to your attic, home under your deck, outbuildings, or chimney.

Our Animal Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR, will remove raccoons, skunks, opossums, woodchucks, squirrels, chipmunks, mice, moles, rats, snakes, coyotes, foxes, voles, bats, birds, etc.

Which Animal Removal Services

1. Wildlife Animal Removal in Willamette Valley Oregon

Wildlife becomes an irritant when animals start spoiling your property or cause a threat to you and your family. Animals can access buildings and houses in different, hard-to-reach places. They cause damage and possibly spread diseases. Our wildlife animal removal experts have the training and experience to find annoying wildlife, trap and remove the animals safely, and provide long-term control solutions.

2. Dead Animal Removal Services in Willamette Valley Oregon

Animal Removal Service near me provides a safe, effective, and reliable Animal Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR. Most of our business comes from controlling live animals, but we also handle dead animals. If you have noticed a bad smell in your home and suspect a dead animal is in your attic or wall, we can search for it. We use high-tech inspection tools like wall cameras to find dead animals.

Not only will we provide dead animal removal service, but we will also eliminate it and provide a full deodorization and disinfection service with sprays. With our deodorization and disinfection service, we can obscure the area where the dead animal or bird was found. The most common deceased animal removal complaints consist of the following:

  • Dead animal smell in home
  • Dead animal in loft
  • Dead animal in wall
  • Dead deer in the yard
  • Dead raccoon in yard
  • Dead dog in yard

3. Animal Waste Removal Service in Willamette Valley Oregon

Animal waste removal services can be as simple as washing the floor or comprehensive. Let’s restore and clean your home for structure and safety purposes. Our Animal Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR, begins with an assessment so that we know the extent of the harm and can provide you with an approximate and ensure we’re on the same line. In some cases, if the saturation is more severe, we may have to destroy a portion of your floor, subfloor, carpet, and drywall.

Rat Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR

Rat removal is more complex than you think it is. It includes the following steps:

Gap Analysis

Inspection of complete pest or rodent invasion; Identifying conditions of the exterior building to open entry points for problems; guidelines for improvement such as repair of the building, sanitation practices, or further action required. The whole locality is examined and monitored to identify possible access points, food sources, and residing points for rats. Once the area is inspected, professionals take requisite actions and create a blockade with effective and quick tools.


Our animal removal Services extends rat-proof areas with different process (depending on the particular requirement). Our intense examination and detailed knowledge of rat behavior, type, and science let us examine the exact problem and help us take steps accordingly. Our Animal Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR, has established itself as a trusted Rodent Control service provider in Oregon for our customers.

Bat Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR

Wild animal removal services near me provide bat control programs designed to shift bats and not cause damage to them. It is illegal to capture or intentionally kill bats, so our bat control process enables them to exit the structure humanely without permitting them to find their way back in.

Our bats removal service primarily includes exclusion or funneling. We recommend funneling and exclusion to eliminate bats inside your home and to control further access in the future. Complete house exclusion is the best option for the total elimination of bats. We advise homeowners to get rid of bats efficiently and humanely with the aid of a licensed professional.

Raccoon Removal Service

Raccoon removal with traps and every other equipment needed for it. Raccoons are not scared of tiny things. They’re bold critters that adapt quickly to light, sound, and movement-based scare traps.

Squirrel Removal Service

Squirrels are lured to fallen nuts, fruit, and seeds. Ensuring these food items are routinely gathered and disposed of reduces squirrel or carcass and general critter activity in your garden. Just make sure the cap of your dustbin is tightly closed so they won’t be tempted to enter through it. With our Animal Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR, you can benefit from our squirrel removal and rodent removal.

A Good Wildlife Removal Company Should:

  • Give a personalized plan of action and a firm price estimate before you need to commit
  • Focus on long-term solutions, such as sealing potential entry points (as opposed to simply removing animals)
  • Guarantee their task like our Animal Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR(for at least one year)
  • Know about raccoons or other animal behavior, such as when babies are born and where raccoons are likely to gain entry to a construction or property.


Advanced Recovery Corporation provides easy, quick, and reliable animal control services for wildlife removal. We remove live or dead animals and sanitize the dirty area. When dealing with unwanted birds or animals invading our businesses or homes, choosing our Animal Removal Service in Willamette Valley OR, which gets the job done and does so with professionalism and expertise, is essential. Moreover, our company provides different services in different areas.

Animal Removal Service FAQ

What do we do if the trap is stolen?

The client is accountable for lost, damaged, or stolen traps. Our lures are secured down with wire or stakes to help prevent robbing.

What do you do when an animal dies on your lawn?

If you find a sick or dead critter, contact your closest state or any wildlife removal service; they can decide whether to investigate. You might also contact our Animal removal service to report this occurrence. You can contact our animal removal service immediately.

Is it necessary to sign a service agreement?

Yes, state law demands that we have permission to set traps on private property. We also have specific terms and conditions for service that you must accept.

When can you remove bats?

Bat removal process start and stop times are set by states like Oregon and vary widely from state to state. Bat removal can be done before the child is born, usually between April and May, and after the young can fly, usually between August and October. Excluding or disturbing maternal colonies in all areas or states is illegal because they are nationally protected.